Can a residential address 🏡 be used as a company's registered address 💼? 🤔

DECEMBER 1, 2023

According to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, every company registered in Hong Kong must have a registered address in Hong Kong to serve as its registered address. A post office box address cannot be used as the registered address.

Requirements for a company's registered address include:

  1. The registered address must be located in Hong Kong. 🏢
  2. A post office box address cannot be used as the registered address. ✉️
  3. The registered address must be able to receive mail. 💡

If you do not have a suitable address, you can consider renting a virtual office as your company's registered address. Many secretarial service companies provide the service of renting virtual offices for use as registered office addresses. Before renting a virtual office, make sure that the provider holds a valid company service provider license to ensure its legality. 🌟

Alternatively, you can choose to use your residential address as the company's registered address, but you need to ensure that the tenancy agreement allows the use of the address for company purposes. It is important to note that the registered address is publicly available company information and can be accessed through the Companies Registry. 🏡

Using a residential address as the company's registered address has limitations and privacy concerns. If you have any further questions regarding the company's registered address, feel free to ask. 🤔

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.